Philodendron ‘Selloum Hope’ Philodendron bipinnatifidum

Grows best in a sheltered & frost free position outside.

Prefers semi shade conditions but can be acclimatised to full sun

Great for indoors, a warm bright bathroom or hallway. Low water requirements.

Use a loose, bark rich orchid type mix when potting.

Grade Height Indication Price Available Order
15 litre pot 100cm $85 60
All prices are in NZ$ and GST inclusive but exclude freight (if applicable).
  • Requires shade or bright filtered light with no direct sunlight.
  • Low wind tolerant.
  • Requires frost free site or indoors.
  • Grows to a height of 1.5 metres (approx).
  • Manages an indoor situation.
  • Requires adequate moisture.
  • Manages coastal conditions well. Salt spray will cause minimal marking.
  • Prefers a warm temperature.
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