Pacaya Chamaedorea tepejilote


A new species release for Coast Palms and Cycads, the wonderfully named Chamaedorea tepejilote, (kahm-uh-DOOR-ee-uh teh-peh-hee-LOW-tay) or Pacaya palm is one of the larger species of this genus, and is either a solitary or tightly clustering species. Our ones are clustering.

This species needs shade and excellent shelter to look its best. A definite possibility for indoors as we are running very low on Bamboo/Reed – Chamedorea seifrizii.

Grade Height Indication Price Available Order
17 litre 300cm $99 $185 Sale! 150
17 litre 300cm $250 for 3 $185 Sale! 150
17 litre 300cm $500 for 9 $185 Sale! 150
All prices are in NZ$ and GST inclusive but exclude freight (if applicable).
  • Requires shade or bright filtered light with no direct sunlight.
  • Low wind tolerant.
  • Requires frost free site or indoors.
  • Grows to a height of 5 metres (approx).
  • Manages an indoor situation.
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